Who Will Benefit from Enbridge Pipeline and Oil Sand Extraction

The following is part of the campaign to make people aware of the environmental and economic impact of the Enbridge Northern Gateway project. Feel free to pass it on to interested people.

Forestethics Take Action Donate
Dear Barbara,

It's time to ask the question: Who benefits from the Tar Sands?
Because it's not you or I.

In a report released today, ForestEthics reveals that 71% of all Tar Sands production is owned by non-Canadian shareholders. Oil companies such as Suncor, Canadian Oil Sands and Husky only look Canadian on the outside. On the inside, Harper is peddling our oil to the highest foreign bidder. Environment be damned.

The Harper Government claims it’s promoting the Tar Sands and pipeline projects on our behalf, but our research shows that’s just not true. Oil profits are benefitting foreign investors and foreign oil companies, while Canadians are left with a toxic legacy and huge clean up bills. That’s not okay.
It's time to set the record straight. I’m airing Harper’s dirty laundry in a press conference right now and I think Harper and Big Oil will try and bury this story. However, you can help spread the truth:
Please take 2 minutes to read the report. Then join our online protest:
Last month, our Federal Government gutted long-standing environmental laws designed to protect OUR land, air, and water.
They are threatening our fisheries, fresh water and coastline with oil spills and destroying old growth boreal forest and endangered caribou habitat to expand Tar Sands production.

I am a Canadian and a mother. I want my children to grow up in a Canada that they can be proud of, a Canada that leads the world towards a clean energy economy, and a Canada that governs in the interest of its people, not on behalf of Big Oil.

Five minutes is all it takes. Read the report and stop the exploitation of our natural resources.
Thank you.

Tzeporah Berman
Co-Founder of ForestEthics
ForestEthics Advocacy Board Member

P.S. If you can think of other creative ways to spread this message—in chat rooms or blogs—then go for it. Take action, make noise. It has never been more important.


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