Fukushima Situation Critical

B. McPherson
How many people will die because of Fukushima? Thousands
The nuclear disaster known as Fukushima Daiichi has entered a new chapter, one without a happy ending. The head of the Japanese Nuclear Regulation Authority delivered a very public, stinging rebuke to the Tepco executives in charge of the Fukushima cleanup.

Since the combination earthquake tsunami on the east coast of Japan two years ago, the nuclear power plant has been leaking radioactive materials into the atmosphere and ocean. While the executives for the Tokyo power company have downplayed the danger to the public, a litany of coverups and glitches have served to undermine the public’s confidence that those in charge are competent to do the job.

The latest “accident” saw more highly radioactive water spill from a storage tank, run into a drainage ditch and discharge into the ocean. Workers were attempting to fill an already filled storage tank. This radioactive water is very dangerous, measuring 200 000 becquerels per litre. The acceptable safe level is 30 b. per litre. The tank, sitting directly on the earth was not level and water could slosh out the unsealed top.

“That these leaks occurred due to human error is very regrettable,” Mr. Ikeda told the president, Naomi Hirose. “The failure to make rudimentary checks reflects a clear deterioration in the ability to manage the site.” Katsuhiko Ikeda

Japan has recently be awarded the 2020 Olympic Games, partly on the assurance by the prime minister that the situation was well in hand and that spectators and athletes would be converging on a safe country. 
Experts are telling us that the mess at the Fukushima will take decades to clean up. The situation is not yet under control. Perhaps it is time for the government of Japan to admit they need help from world experts.

The world is increasingly concerned about the radiation spewing out of this wrecked electric plant.  Another earthquake, tsunami, or typhoon  might open up and topple the storage tanks and allow sea water into the melted cores. Currently typhoon Fitow is zeroing in on the Asian coast. Tropical storm Dana is heading towards Japan and is expected to strengthen as it approaching that coast.
Further Reading: Japan Daily Press


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