Brazil Set to Legalize Terminator Seeds

B. McPherson

Brazil may be the first country to defy the 13 year UN moratorium on the commercial sale of terminator seeds. This would be the “thin edge of the wedge” to gradually collapse the ban on the engineered seeds.  Terminator seeds are those engineered to produce a crop but the seeds from the crop will not germinate or sprout if planted. So if a farmer buys a GM seed that also has the terminator trait, he cannot save seed and avoid buying seed from the corporation next planting.

That is bad enough but many of the crops that are GM spread their pollen via insects, other animals and the wind spreading their traits to non-GM fields. The spread of terminator traits would be disastrous to organic and more traditional farmers, forcing them to purchase seed from corporations. It would eventually drastically reduce the biodiversity of food crops as seed houses sell what is commercially viable.

The Judicial Commission is meeting this week to review their decision about Terminators. Whatever their decision, it amounts to an advisory one and the Brazilian Government may choose to break the moratorium. This would be the first small step in collapsing the 193 country agreement to keep these dangerous seeds out of the food stocks.

“If the Commission passes the bill this week,” says Centro Ecológico’s Maria José Guazzelli, “the Congress could make it law after it reconvenes in February. While most of Brazil is celebrating a Christmas birth, the seed multinationals will be celebrating the death of the 10,000-year right of farmers to save seeds.” GM Watch

A child of the terminator seed is the zombie seed. It is modified to be able to germinate if it is treated by a specific chemical, one that is produced by the gene tech corporation of course. Zombies are currently popular in the entertainment business, but in my opinion that’s where they belong.


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