Celiac Disease and Glyphosate Exposure May Be Linked

B. McPherson

Is glyphosate on your food slowly poisoning you?
Over the past decade many people have discovered that they are intolerant to the protein gluten. Gluten found in wheat, barley and rye that are staples in many western based diets. It seems as if an epidemic of gluten intolerance has broken out. Some people have mused that people are using the gluten intolerance as the latest fad. But these people really are sick.

The question arises as to whether there are more sick people or better diagnosis of symptoms. Maybe a bit of both.

Now a troubling new paper published online by Interdisciplinary Toxicology draws possible connections between trace amounts of glyphosate in the gut and gluten intolerance, a condition that now affects about 5% of the N. American and European population.

Scientists have had glyphosate on their radar for a while now, suspecting it of causing birth defects and cancers. While it is not particularly toxic to humans, small amounts over time can take their toll. Research on this popular herbicide, originally marketed as Monsanto’s Roundup, has shown the following.

Glyphosate, patented as an antimicrobial (Monsanto Technology LLC, 2010), has been shown to disrupt gut bacteria in animals, preferentially killing beneficial forms and causing an overgrowth of pathogens. Interdisciplinary Toxicology

Why do we care about glyphosate killing bacteria? Our guts are full of them. Many of the varieties are essential to maintaining our health.

Research done by Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff using carnivourous fish exposed to glyphosate found enzyme disruptions in their digestive tracts. The enzymes disrupted were similar to those affected in those with gluten intolerance. Mineral deficiencies in sufferers may be explained by the ability of glyphosate to chelate, or grab, minerals and lock them away from the body.

The herbicide Roundup and others containing glyphosate under other brand names is the most popular weed killer in N. America. Millions of tonnes are spread annually on both food and forage crops. It is not just the GM plants that are dosed with this poison. Domestic use on crops can be used to kill off leaves and ensure easier harvesting. Domestic use is widespread on lawns and golf courses.

To read the peer reviewed paper and check their references go to Right to Know 
Other Information Sources:
Scientific American   


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