Monsanto wants to spread gene altering tech

B. McPherson
You are what you eat
The clever scientists at Monsanto have come up with a new weapon. This new weapon is an RNAi-based spray that will target the Colorado potato beetle.
While most of us are familiar with the term DNA, RNA is less well known. Instead of a double stranded helix as seen in DNA, RNA is a usually a single strand but some forms are doubled. It carries out many functions in the cell directing the construction of many of the cell’s proteins and acting to stop or start cell reactions.
The RNAi based sprays use gene silencing technology that tells the target organism to shut off certain genes. Not just plant pests have been targeted by this new technology. Monsanto has developed a new soybean. Their Vistive Gold soybeans genes switch off production of saturated fats.
The lower case i refers to gene interference.
Scientists not associated with or financed by the chemical giant have expressed misgivings over the spraying of a biopesticide that may spread to unintended targets.

 In 2013 Jack Heinemann and colleagues published an open-access paper warning that regulators were not adequately assessing the risks of RNAi products. They recommended new targeted regulatory approaches to better assess the potential hazards.   GM Watch

While the scientists working on behalf of Monsanto would not deliberately unleash irreparable harm to the environment and the people who eat their plant products, unintentional harm is a real possibility. Unintended consequences of their Roundup ready plants have given the world super weeds, glyphosate saturated soils and many suspected cases of metabolic disorders. The Bt plants have poisoned many beneficial insects that occasionally stray onto corn fields.
Spraying gene altering substances into the environment and specifically onto food crops may well result in unintended consequences. The unintended consequences may extend to humans as well as the Colorado potato beetle. We share many of the same genes.
GM Watch                        
Science Direct                     


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