Forest Ethics Advocacy Has New Information

The following is from Forest Ethics Advocacy. If you are interested in preventing disastrous oil spills like what we have seen in the Gulf of Mexico and the Kalamazoo River, please take the time to read and respond.

What do you know about Enbridge’s proposed 1,170-kilometre Northern Gateway pipeline and tanker project? Imagine passing through the Rocky and Coast Mountains, over major wild salmon watersheds to our stunning coast - how many rivers, species of wildlife and communities would you cross?

Let’s zoom in a little. What are residents (who call the areas at risk home) saying about this proposed pipeline project?
CHECK OUT THE NEW TOOL WE'RE LAUNCHING TODAY that allows you to see the pipeline route, hear the voices of the people affected by it, and see for yourself the risk that Enbridge's proposed pipeline presents.

Conduct your own investigation into the proposed pipeline
as you tour the pipeline route through western Canada. The company claims that “safeguarding the quality-of-life enjoyed by communities along the project route is always front-of-mind”1 yet its track record says otherwise. Discover for yourself why Enbridge’s proposal to create another pipeline in the Pacific Northwest is just a pipedream.
  • See the proposed pipeline route through the lens of International League of Conservation photographer Neil Osborne and others who have photographed the rich natural environment that is at risk from Enbridge’s pipelines.
  • Hear the voices of the people whose homes and livelihoods are at stake. Witness the opposition of Canadians living in the pipeline’s path, who rely on the salmon and forests for their livelihoods and quality of life.
  • Learn about Enbridge’s messy history of oil spills that only continues to expand by new spills. Learn about natural gas pipeline ruptures that have occurred along the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline route.
Take a tour of the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and share this knowledge with friends and fellow Canadians through email, Facebook or Twitter. Information is power... so spread the word, and power up!

Thank you,

Nikki Skuce
Senior Energy Campaigner, ForestEthics Advocacy

P.S. The US National Transportation Safety Board just released a scathing report on Enbridge with regards to its Kalamazoo River oil spill. Given the company's poor record responding to warnings about infrastructure corrosion, responding to oil spill alarm systems, or trying to gain social license across new proposals, we don’t believe that we should trust Enbridge with our wild salmon watersheds.

1Environmental Responsibility. Northern Gateway.

Enbridge pipedreams map
Listen to people who call the proposed pipeline route home speak out about Enbridge and the threat it poses to their land and their culture.

“There is so much potential for disaster... It's mind-blowing how illogical and, just, unfeasible the whole project is.”

Jeremy Paul of the Gitga'at nation, Hartley Bay

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Suite 350-163 West Hastings Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1H5 | 604.331.6201


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