Big Rally Planned to Protest Oil Tankers on the Coast


Grassroots people are coming together on October 22 in Victoria BC to show the provincial government that the coast is not for sale. If you can, help swell the numbers on October 22 in a show of peaceful solidarity.

The following is from a group calling themselves defendourcoast:

In a little over a week, you and almost 2000 other supporters have logged on to our website and pledged to Defend Our Coast. Thank you for your support in the first week of the launch and for sharing it with your family, friends, colleagues, and allies. On October 22nd, we will meet in Victoria and join together for a non-violent direct action to tell Christy Clark and Stephen Harper that our coast cannot be sold off for pipelines and tankers.

The action on Monday, October 22nd will be an act of peaceful civil disobedience meaning that arrest is a possibility. We will have a legal analysis that we will send out to everyone soon so you know exactly what the legal risks are and will have lawyers available to answer your questions and help mount any defense should this be needed. If you are planning to participate in this component of the action we are asking everyone attend an all-day training session on Sunday October 21st. We will give you full details on the training session in coming weeks but for now we encourage everyone to plan to be there.

That said anyone who is not comfortable taking part in the arrestable part of the action is still invited to join us in solidarity and rally on the lawn of the legislature that day. Families and friends of all ages are welcome to the BC legislature to support the action and defend our coast.

We also need people to volunteer for several roles in the action. If you are interested in volunteering, contact and let us know what city you are in and how you would like to get involved. We are hosting weekly volunteer meetings in Vancouver and Victoria. Together, we make this movement stronger!

Don't forget to spread the word on your Facebook, Twitter, and networks. Thanks for your support!


the Defend Our Coast team

p.s. our FAQ is a great resource, please check it out here: You'll find useful information and the answers to some of your remaining questions. For other inquiries, please email


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