Support Your Local Cedar Farmers Market
B. McPherson
Scenes taken on Sunday September 2nd at the Cedar Farmers' Market

Kiddies preparing racing zucchinis for the big race
Local honey producer sells a sweet product
Local farm produce. Note insecticide free veggies
The 'Dahlia Man' is always in demand when his flowers are in bloom.
Vine ripened tomatoes and hot peppers are the jewels of the garden.

Local honey producer sells a sweet product
Local farm produce. Note insecticide free veggies
The 'Dahlia Man' is always in demand when his flowers are in bloom.
Vine ripened tomatoes and hot peppers are the jewels of the garden.
As the public gets educated about the advantages of buying
local, the Cedar Farmers’ Market has thrived. They have a location on
Yellowpoint Road at the sign for the Crow and Gate Pub. The farmers set up in a
grassy field in May and continue to offer their goods for sale until late October.
Vendors put up tents in the early
morning, by 2:30 the field reverts to its quiet state.
In the meantime, shoppers intent on buying the freshest,
most colourful of vegetables converge on the site. Some are looking for
specialty items, some just looking. Old, young, babes and dogs on leash are all
welcome. Snacks are available and usually a musical group adds to the
atmosphere. This past Sunday a marimba band entertained.
Some of the products of local farms is certified organic,
but more is grown without chemical sprays. All of it is fresh, some picked that
morning. Bring your reuseable bags and check it out.
When you’ve finished listening to the entertainment and
bought your veggies, think about where to go for lunch. There is a good
selection of pubs and cafes in the area if your snacks haven’t filled you up.
If you have the time, there is a Sunday flea market at the
community hall on Cedar Road. There is always something interesting if not
useful to be found among the eclectic goods. Continue on down Cedar Road until
you come to the restored North Oyster School. Crafters hold a sale there every
Sunday. I checked it out this week and was impressed with the quality of the
goods made by locals.
Driving directions:
There is no or poor public transportation in the area so you will need a
vehicle. Driving south from the town of Nanaimo on the old Island Highway, take
the turnoff for Cedar(Cedar Road) and follow it through the village of Cedar
until you come to the turn off for Yellowpoint Rd. You will have travelled
about 12 km. If you are travelling south of Nanaimo on the Inland
Highway(freeway) there is a clearly marked sign directing you to the
appropriate lane for Cedar Rd. Driving north, on the outskirts of Nanaimo, you
will make a right hand turn onto Cedar Rd. Again, it is clearly marked. All the
roads mentioned are black topped. We may be country but we are modern.
Buy local, buy seasonal
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