Fukushima Trending Hotter

B. McPherson
When will TEPCO get serious?
The ruined Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is trending hotter. Word has it that today’s readings of radioactivity have reached the highest level yet. The ongoing crisis at the Japanese power plant has the rest of the world watching their ad hoc attempts to confine the damage with growing impatience. Confidence in the willingness of TEPCO to put the resources and expertise onto the job has reaches an all time low.

Last week it was revealed that the hastily built tanks that contain highly radioactive water leaked. The experts there have placed the metal tanks directly on the ground rather than onto concrete pads. Ground water moving below the Fukushima plant and tanks is also being irradiated and leaking into the Pacific Ocean. Last week’s radiation readings were high enough to ensure death with four hours exposure. Today the world is told that the radiation readings are higher still. TEPCO’s response is that more sensitive equipment is being used.

Readings just above the ground near a set of tanks at the plant showed radiation as high as 2,200 millisieverts (mSv), the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) said on Wednesday. The previous high in areas holding the tanks was the 1,800 mSv recorded on Saturday.Reuters

The ground water moving underneath the wrecked plant is an increasing worry. It is estimated that about 300 tons of irradiated water is reaching the Pacific Ocean every day. Fish and other life in the coastal areas have become unsafe to eat. The fishing industry is suffering greatly. The ultimate damage to the ocean is unknown.
But TEPCO has an app for that.

They are going to take a hint from King Canute and try to hold back the water. They are seriously considering laying pipes in the ground to pump refrigerant through to freeze the ground. This has never been tried before and a totally unproven technology. Most people are aware that even beneath a mile of ice, liquid water finds a way to flow.

Nuclear disasters, like atmospheric testing affect the whole world. Hawaii and the west coast of N. America are on the receiving end of the debris from the Tsunami and earthquake of March 2011. Ocean currents put also put us first in line to receive the contaminated water.

Japan has already lost face. It is time for them to quit fooling around and call in the experts. 


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