US Environmental Protection Agency Goes Silent

We all share the planet and it looks like we're all in trouble here
In a swift move by the new regime in Washington DC, many of the agencies that communicate with the public have been silenced. Communicating with the public by news releases or electronic means has now been forbidden.

It is unknown whether this is a temporary move.

The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) has been ordered to remove its webpage that deals with climate change. The US president had famously denied the global climate warming and mused publicly that it might be a Chinese plot to divert money and wealth from the US.

The silencing of the EPA seems to also encompass research and education among the employees . The following has been taken from the page of the Christian Science Monitor.

"An unnamed source within the EPA said Tuesday that the Trump administration had instructed staffers not to speak with news media or publish press releases or blog posts on social media for the time being. They were also told to avoid publicizing forthcoming conferences and presentations planned for the next two months – an order some say undermines their ability to fulfill their duties."

Before Pres. Trump assumed office, there were rumours circulating among the media that his team was demanding to know which employees were supporting the idea of climate change. The senior administrators refused at that time to comply.

The person nominated to head the EPA, Scott Pruitt, from Oklahoma has famously taken action to sue the EPA. Many call him an enemy of the protection agency. He is an outspoken denier of climate change.

Some of the other agencies who have been silenced by the new regime:
·       Department of the Interior (DOI)
·       US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
·       Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)


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