Hartley Bay Residents Open Homes to Strangers -- Again
B. McPherson
Residents of the BC coastal community opened their homes to
the public during the hearings about the oil pipeline proposed by Enbridge. It
is beginning to look as if the might of the federal government is being brought
to bear on the side of the project. The minister for natural resources spoke
out before hearings, which are supposed to be neutral fact finding, strongly in
favour of the pipeline. The prime minister, Stephen Harper, has stated that the
Northern Gateway project is in the national interest.
Last week Transport Canada released a report that in effect
threw their weight behind the project, dubbing the supertanker routes proposed
as “appropriate” and lacking any obstructions to navigation. The report
acknowledged that there is always some risk in these undertakings but basically
dismissed the coastal people’s concerns.
Including proposed liquefied natural gas terminals in the area, there could be 415 additional oil tankers, liquefied natural gas carriers and bulk carriers calling at Kitimat, which Transport Canada deemed is “not a significant increase and does not cause concerns with vessel traffic density.” Vancouver Sun
is ironic that these findings by the federal Transport Canada are released as
the dog and pony show moves to Hartley Bay. This is the small coastal community
that helped rescue and house the survivors of a sinking of a provincial
government ferry a couple of years ago. The Queen of the North ran aground on a
well charted section of coastline during reasonable weather, for this coast
anyway, and sunk with the loss of two lives. The accident was blamed on human
error. The ferry was equipped with the latest safety equipment and still ran
aground. Hartley Bay residents used their boats to pick up the survivors and
sheltered them until the official rescue crews could reach the isolated
Hartley Bay’s reward for their bravery
and generosity – a continuing oil leak from the sunken ferry’s fuel tanks.
To date approximately 60 different
indigenous groups have made a stand against the Northern Gateway pipeline.
Small town governments along the coast have been making official objections to
the scheme stating that the risk to the environment and the industries that are
supported by it is too great when considering the potential for rewards.
Big questions that arise and are not
being answered revolve around the
inevitable leaks and spills should the pipeline go ahead. Enbridge is a
publicly traded company, layered enough to be confusing to me as to who would
own the liability when a foreign owned flag of convenience tanker fouls the
coast line.
Enbridge does not have a good record in
paying for meaningful cleanup when spills occur. Their spokeperson dealing with
the huge oil pipeline rupture in the Kalamazoo River initially stated that
clean up would be done and people who were affected would be compensated. The
story changed as costs began to mount up. Stretches of the river are still
closed to the public because of heavy crude pools lingering in the river more
than a year later.
Can we trust Enbridge to clean up any mess they make? I think not. Have a look at the "cleanup" done in Michigan last year.
Exxon Valdes – Prince William Sound,
Alaska human error
BC Ferry Queen of the North – Hartley Bay,
BC human error
Costa Concordia – Tuscany, Italy human
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