Help Against Enbridge Bullies

B. McPherson
Have a look at the video and see for yourself what an amazing place this is.

The proposed Enbridge oil pipeline through the Great Bear Rain Forest endangers rare habitat. The prospect of hundreds of supertankers threading their way through the tortuous Douglas Channel gives coastal people nightmares.
An anonymous person has offered to donate Cdn$1 to ForestEthics for every signature on the petition to fight the big money behind the pipeline proposal. 

Please read and sign:

Greetings Lavonne,

Great news! I’ve been flooded with excited calls and emails from groups as far away as Squamish, Gabriola Island and Victoria coming to join our Monday rally to stop the Enbridge pipeline and tanker project.
Now, I need your help to make sure support for this rally spreads across Canada. To do that we need your friends' signatures on our petition. (We've got yours, THANKS!)
Please help us reach our goal of 10,000 signatures opposing the Enbridge project. Just forward this email to with the link to the petition:
It's critical for the people of B.C. who could be impacted by oil tanker projects to see just how many Canadians are united in this fight against Big Oil bullies. It's so important, in fact, that a generous donor has offered ForestEthics a donation of $1 for every signature we collect before the rally.

We only have four days, but this is an incredible opportunity to help protect our fragile coastline and wild salmon rivers, while at the same time, make it clear to Big Oil and our government that we will not be silenced.

Sign our petition to show that opposition to Enbridge's pipeline and tanker project stretches even further than the proposed 1,000 km pipeline. Help protect our wild places, wildlife, clean water, and the livelihoods that depend on them.

Tell a friend today.

Thanks for your support, 


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