Hong Kong Airlines Agrees to Stop Transporting Dolphins
B. McPherson
Hong Kong Airlines has bowed to pressure from the Sea
Shepherd Conservation Society, school children and an ever growing petition to
stop transporting dolphins. The airlines recently flew five recently captured
dolphins from Japan to Vietnam for HK$850 000 according to China Daily.
Public outrage has been mounting since a memo circulated to
airline staff praising the increased revenue gained by transporting five
dolphins from Osaka to Vietnam. Charges of cruelty have been aimed at the
airline staff.
February 25 saw the HK offices of the airline company
visited by the HK Sea Shepherd coordinator, Gary Stokes, school children and activists who
presented a petition and a copy of The Cove, the documentary that
exposed the bloody slaughter of dolphins and other marine mammals herded to a
gruesome death. Their timing was perfect as the company was holding a
recruiting drive at the same time.
In an about face on March 1st Hong Kong airlines
issued a letter stating that they would no longer transport wild animals.
A captive, healthy dolphin sold to marine parks and aquaria
can fetch upwards of $150 000. There is a huge profit motive to kill dolphins
and to capture them for the public’s entertainment. Admissions paid by the public
who watch “whale shows” help to fuel the cruel slaughter of these intelligent
family oriented animals.
For more details regarding this small victory go to the Sea Shepherd Society's news page.
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